Cautions With Pill Guns For Cats

Study finds the tip can come off of the syringe

Pilling a cat is no fun for anyone, and many cat owners have found one of the best solutions has been the use of a pill gun, but a recent study shows the need for caution. The study reported on 13 cats with 15 cases (two cats were repeat offenders) of cats who accidentally swallowed the silicone tip off a pill gun. In five cases, the cats were induced to vomit and successfully threw up the tip at the veterinary hospital. Nine cases required endoscopy to surgically remove the tip from the cats’ stomachs. In one lucky case, the tip did eventually pass through the cat’s intestines. 

In all these cases, the owners were immediately aware of the problem and took action right away, so none of the cats had time to show any clinical problems. 

If you use a pill gun, choose one without a removable tip. Always follow your veterinarian’s and the manufacturer’s guidance on the use of any pill gun. If your cat swallows a tip, contact your veterinarian right away. 

The cats in this study were lucky in that none of them required surgery to remove a tip causing a bowel obstruction. In part, that is because their owners contacted their veterinarians immediately. 

Pill guns can be a useful tool for helping people to medicate their cats. Choose your products carefully and react right away if you have any problem.

M de Souza HJ, et al. Foreign body ingestion due to detachment of pill dispenser tips in cats: a retrospective study of 13 cases. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. 2023;25(10). doi:10.1177/1098612X231201808

Joseph J. Wakshlag, DVM, PhD, is a  board-certified veterinary nutritionist and chief of nutrition at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine.