1.Ask your veterinarian about treats. For example, giving a lot of high-sodium treats could undo the good of your low sodium diet.

2. Try different ways to make the diet more appealing if your cat is turning up her nose. Consider food toys, like puzzles, or ask about warming up the food to make the aroma more enticing.
3. Always check with your veterinarian if you want to change flavors or formulas. Sometimes the different versions have nutrient changes that might not be appropriate for your cat’s specific condition.
4. If you decide to stop the diet for any reason, do so gradually and under the supervision of your veterinarian. Some therapeutic diets are required for the rest of your cat’s life, while others may be appropriate for a short-term illness.
5. Remember, every cat is an individual. Don’t assume a therapeutic diet is right for all your pets. If you have been free feeding, you may need to make changes to accommodate your cat with special dietary needs.
Deborah E. Linder, DVM, MS, DACVN, Petfoodology blog, Cummings Veterinary Medical Center