Short Takes

Flame Retardant and Hyperthyroidism

A study in Environmental Science & Technology associated hyperthyroidism with flame retardants, using silicone pet tags like the popular wristbands people wear for charitable causes.

Pheromone Scent

Felinine is a sulphur (cysteine) amino acid found in cat urine. It works as a pheromone. This sulphur amino acid is what causes the strong scent in urine marking by intact male cats.

Happening Now…

Angelo’s Pizza in Matawan, N.J., is “delivering more than just food,” according to CBS NewYork Channel 2.

Happening Now

Angelo’s Pizza in Matawan, N.J., is “delivering more than just food,” according to CBS NewYork Channel 2.

Cats in the U.S.

The American Veterinary Medical Assocation lists these numbers for cat ownership in the United States:

FIP Research Grant

The Winn Feline Foundation awarded $307,679 to 16 feline research studies for 2019, including $25,000 to Gary R. Whittaker, PhD, at Cornell University, and Susan G. Baker, PhD, at Loyola University, for Generating an attenuated feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) vaccine by inactivating EndoU.

Most Expensive Cats is a leading source for Internet-savvy millennials searching for information on the topics they love. With a pretty obvious focus on money, the website recently listed the 10 most expensive cats:

Happening Now…

The TV show Americas Got Talent included a mind-boggling cat act, with some amazing tricks by very happy cats. You can seee it here at:

Torn Cruciate Ligaments

The cranial cruciate ligament helps to stabilize the knee (stifle) in cats. Cats who tear their cruciate ligaments usually will be acutely lame. Upon veterinary examination, a drawer sign (abnormal laxity of the stifle) will be evident, suggesting instability of the joint.

Caution With Homemade Feline Diets

A study in the May 15, 2019, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association looked at the nutritional adequacy of recipes provided by various sources for homemade diets for cats. The recipes evaluated were all for maintenance only, and no therapeutic diets were included.

Happening Now…

The Durham County (N.C.) News reports that veterinarian Sabrina Grinstead donated a dozen $125 pet oxygen masks to the Durham Fire Department. “I’ve been looking for a way to contribute . . . and I came across the need for the masks,” Dr. Grinstead says.

Happening now…

Lucky Stowaway - The Prince George Citizen in Prince George, B.C., reports that the SPCA North Cariboo District Branch is caring for a severely emaciated stowaway cat who arrived in April from China.