Happening Now…
Dog Rescues Kittens—A stray dog in Ontario, Canada, was found on a road sheltering five kittens from the cold, according to CTV News. A...
Bad Breath in Cats
What can you do to help combat bad breath in your feline companion? Rule out serious illness and get any dental problems treated and...
CBD May Affect Cats Differently
PetFoodIndustry.com reports that cannabidiol (CBD) supplementation may cause problems in cats, according to research done by ElleVetSciences, a hemp CBD oil-infused pet treat and...
Feline Parasite Solution Gets FDA approval
Merck Animal Health received U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for an extended-duration topical solution that protects cats from fleas, ticks, and other parasites....
Pets and Spousal Loss
A study from Florida State University shows, again, how important our pets are to us. Published in The Gerontologist, the study examined depressive symptoms...
Cats and Bonding
A study reported in Current Biology shows that most cats are securely attached to their owner and use them as a source of security.
Happening Now…
WBIR-TV in Knoxville, TN, reports that a local animal lover was caring for a bobcat kitten, not realizing it wasnt a lost domestic kitten.
Happening now…
According to the Naples (Fla.) Daily News, deputies responded to a possible burglary in progress only to find the culprit was a cat.
Acute Upper Respiratory Infections Study
Upper respiratory infections are common in cats. Treatment can be frustrating, especially since the primary culprit is often feline herpes virus (FHV). While FHV infections arent usually life-threatening, infected cats sneeze, may develop corneal ulcers, and have nasal discharge and conjunctivitis. Currently, treatment is aimed at supportive care, with antibiotics added if there are signs of secondary bacterial infections.
Pets May Reduce Need for Pain Medications
An article in the June 2019 Journal of Applied Gerontology looked at using pets to help senior citizens with pain. Cognitive behavioral self-management strategies are used to help seniors deal with chronic pain, and this study looked to see if pets might be incorporated into these strategies with a positive end.
Video Records of What Cats Do All Day
A study from Applied Animal Behaviour Science used tiny cameras to follow 16 cats throughout their neighborhoods. The camera was about the size of a golf ball and attached to the cat (originally, 21 cats were selected, but five said no thanks).
Technology Improves Veterinary Care
A publication by members of the Section of Ophthalmology at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine highlights the innovative use of a smartphone with an open-source 3D printed smartphone indirect lens adapter.