Short Takes: 12/03
The risk of over-the-counter medications; some relief for flea allergies
Short Takes: 01/04
Different poisons with similar names; the many benefits of living with cats
Short Takes: 09/03
Indoor versus outdoor cats; Giardia vaccine for cats is of minimal value
Short Takes: 08/03
Human Help for Dieting FelinesA feeding study underway at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine is testing possible new prescription diets for obese...
Short Takes: 07/02
Fungal infections and upper respiratory disease; Amitriptyline for LUTD
Short Takes: 01/03
Biting, Taxes, Overpopulation, Toxoplasmosis
Short Takes: 04/03
Beautiful but deadly: flowers and bulbs to beware; vaccination update
Short Takes: 02/03
Bedbugs, Diabetes Monitoring, Curfews
Short Takes: 03/03
The web gives adoption assistance; a link between weather and fleas
Short Takes: 05/03
A Positive Grade for TNR As a concept, TNR (for trap-neuter-return) sounded like a workable solution to the feline overpopulation problem: Round up all...
Short Takes: 06/03
Ways to make dental home-care easier; compulsive behavior and cats