Short Takes: 12/04
Two Good Reasons to Give BloodCat owners who responded to media requests to bring their kitties to Bostons Angell Memorial Animal Hospital Blood Bank...
Short Takes: 11/04
Motivation Called Key to Home Monitoring of Diabetic CatsLong-term management of diabetes mellitus in cats requires regular measurement of blood glucose concentrations to determine how much insulin cats need to survive. And that has usually meant another trip to the veterinarian. Researchers at Switzerlands University of Zurich, reporting in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (Vol. 225, No. 2) gave cat owners a chance to test their diabetic cats at home, using portable…
Short Takes: 10/04
Eight New Skin Diseases of CatsRemember when dogs had skin problems and cats just had attitudes? Get ready for Eight emerging feline dermatoses, as...
Short Takes: 09/04
Provide kittens with plenty of patience; carbohydrates and feline meals
Short Takes: 08/04
Facial pheromones to the rescue; living with cats makes us happier
Short Takes: 07/04
Dangerous daffodils; solutions for elimination problems; many mothers
Short Takes: 06/04
Beware of fake tick and flea products; pop-top cans and hyperthyroidism
Short Takes: 05/04
How cats express pain; the cities with the healthiest pet populations
Short Takes: 04/04
Predators and outdoor cats; West Nile virus and cats; news on vaccines
Short Takes: 03/04
Predicting due dates; declawing as a last resort; pets left home alone
Short Takes: 02/04
More on vaccines and cancer; cats most at risk of traffic fatalities
Short Takes: 11/03
Understanding urine marking; muzzles make a difference in veterinary visits