Tablets for Newly Diagnosed Diabetic Cats
The Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, announced approval of a new oral medication for diabetic cats called Bexacat (bexagliflozin). Until now, most diabetic...
Treatment Options for Arthritic Cats
Steve Budsberg, DVM, a professor of orthopedic surgery at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine, gave veterinarians a seminar on VETgirl, a...
Cat Writers’ Association Annual Awards
Each year the Cat Writers’ Association conducts a contest in which they choose the best articles published, awarding these titles Certificates of Excellence. From...
Survival in Cats with High Rise Syndrome
High rise syndrome (HRS) is a term used for injuries sustained when pets fall from buildings. While retrospective studies investigating the prevalence of injuries...
What to Know About Aging in Cats
Just as in humans, as your cat ages, so does the likelihood of an age-related disease rearing its ugly head. Cats are considered seniors...
New Diagnostic Guidelines for FIP
Feline infectious peritionitis (FIP) is a common and often fatal disease in cats under 2 years of age. Caused by mutation of feline coronavirus...
Risk Factors for Cats with Cognitive Disorders
Colorado State University researchers looked at records from past clients to determine risk factors and common complaints for feline cognitive disorder syndrome. Owners cited...
Understanding Feeding Tube Basics
Feeding tubes are used to get nutrition, fluids, and medications into a cat who is too ill to take in these necessities himself. Some...
When Your Cat Avoids the Litterbox
Cats who stop using the litterbox are often experiencing pain. It could be upon urination, caused by a bladder infection or urinary crystals/stones. If...
Potential New Treatment For Melanomas
Luckily, melanomas (cancers originating from pigmented cells) are rare in cats. They most commonly occur in the iris (colored part that surrounds the pupil)...
Cornell’s Genetics Study Provides Hope
A wide-reaching study that was done at Cornell University may provide hope for cats who suffer from hyperthyroidism, diabetes, and feline eosinophilic keratoconjunctivitis (a...
Cats’ Unique Evolutionary Adaptions
Cats have stereovision, according to a recent Psychology Today blog by Daniel Graham, Ph.D., associate professor of psychological science at Hobart and William Smith...