Treatment Option for Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas
A new treatment called microbrachytherapy, which is used to treat inoperable feline oral squamous cell carcinomas, may be gaining momentum, according to a recent study published in Veterinary and Comparative Oncology.
Kitten Kindergarten
It makes us purr when we hear of an effort to help cats remain in their homes. A veterinarian in Australia is using education to help prevent relinquishment of cats by educating new owners about cat behavior.
Happening Now: New Jersey bill to hold Shelters Accountable
Alley Cat Allies reports that The New Jersey Senate Economic Growth Committee is considering a bill that would save the lives of shelter animals and community cats around the state.
Happening Now: Ponces Law
The Daytona-Beach News Journal reports that there is a bill pending in Florida that would allow judges to forbid people convicted of animal cruelty to own pets.
Happening Now: Pilots Found
A cat rescued from the Northern California fires will be reunited with his family 10 years after he went missing, says the Sacramento Bee.
Short Takes: January 2018
When New Years Eve arrives, many of us make promises to ourselves-those infamous resolutions-to improve ourselves somehow. Thats because the new year is a traditional starting point, and were happy and motivated. Popular resolutions include losing weight, quitting smoking, and getting the most out of life. Inevitably, however, most of us fail. The reason? Unrealistic goals. Well, were here to help fix that! Spending more time with your cat and improving her life is realistic and satisfying, so weve put together five New Years Resolutions. Are you with us?
Denver Considers Declawing Law
Animal shelters in Denver, Colo., may soon be able to prohibit anyone who plans to declaw a cat from adopting one. Declawing would be allowed only when medically necessary, according to the Denver Post.
Short Takes: December 2017
The September 2017 issue of the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine included the article The Relationship between Brachycephalic Head Features in Modern Persian Cats and Dysmorphologies of the Skull and Internal Hydrocephalus, by Schmidt et al. This study evaluated the two types of Persian cats, the traditional doll-face and the newer Peke-face, for a correlation between brachycephalic (short-faced) traits and internal hydrocephaly, or abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord) in the brain. Each cat in the study received a CT scan and an MRI.
Short Takes: November 2017
Cats eat differently than we do. If given the opportunity, cats would consume seven to 20 small meals a day and would seek out the texture and protein found in a field mouse over the spongy texture and sweet taste found in a slice of cake.
PumpkinA Food For All Reasons
Pumpkin is an excellent source of potassiuma mineral that is important for a variety of physiologic functions.
Pumpkin-A Food For All Reasons
Pumpkin is an excellent source of potassium-a mineral that is important for a variety of physiologic functions.
Feline-Friendly Dogs
A study published in the January 2017 Journal of Applied Animal Behaviour Science may help you determine if a dog you want to adopt will get along with your cat.