Short Takes

Taking a Page From the Canine Seizure System

We may now start classifying seizures in cats based on the canine system of the International Veterinary Epilepsy Task Force (IVETF).

Tramadol for Osteoarthritis

Bony or osteo arthritis can be painful. While cats often hide pain well, with the use of pain medications owners often see a dramatic improvement in their cats mobility and quality of life. Many pain medications, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), are not metabolized well by cats and can even be deadly.

Paw Preference by Gender

A study from Queens University, Belfast, says cats exhibit clear paw preference, much as humans do. Researchers recruited 24 neutered male and 20 spayed female cats and asked the cat owners to collect data on which paw cats used when they stepped down the stairs or over objects, whether they slept on the left or right side of their body, and which paw the cat used to reach for food inside a three-tier food tower.

Prescreen for Diabetes

A recent study took blood glucose readings from a variety of cats 8 years old and older as they entered the veterinary clinic, after they had been hanging out for a few hours, and again after fasting. One challenge of measuring blood glucose in cats is that their levels tend to skyrocket temporarily when they are stressed, such as at the clinic.

Urinary Problems: Herbs Are Not the Answer

A study in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery looked at using Chinese herbs to treat cats with urinary-tract problems. As we wrote in our September 2017 issue (go to archives to read the article), lower urinary-tract problems are common in cats. The cause might be infection, crystal formations, or may be without known cause-the infamous idiopathic cystitis.

Stem Cells for Feline Asthma Woes

Stem-cell injections are common in veterinary medicine, but mostly for joint and lameness problems in dogs and horses. A pilot study in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery may change things for cats with asthma.

Help for Stressed Cats

A study at UC-Davis looked at using gabapentin for short-term stress relief in cats traveling to the veterinary clinic. Gabapentin has been used in cats for seizure and pain control, but human studies show some reduction of anxiety as well. An earlier study used gabapentin for feral cats involved in trap/neuter/release programs to reduce fear responses.

Considering a Raw Diet?

As cats are obligate carnivores, a raw meat-based diet sounds like the perfect option. Unfortunately, that natural diet also comes with some all-natural risks, including parasites and bacteria, such as Salmonella.

Happening Now: New in Kitty Litter

Move over, clay. Youre boring. PetAge, a pet-industry business journal, reports that kitty litter options are changing rapidly in 2018. From litters that claim to stop ammonia buildup to diagnostic litters that monitor cat health to neon-colored litter to gel-based litter to reduce tracking, we can choose almost any attribute, assuming were willing to pay more for, well, litter.

Vitamin B12 for Cats With Intestinal Disease

A study published in the November 2017 Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine looked at cats admitted to a teaching hospital with gastrointestinal signs and low blood cobalamin (vitamin B12) levels. Twenty cats completed the study.

Catnip Wins Again

A study published in BMC Veterinary Research confirms catnip works. Olfactory enrichment, i.e. great smells, can cause a euphoric reaction in most domestic cats, says the study, which compared catnip to other plants.

Mouse Patrol

The Telegraph, a United Kingdom publication, reports that Great Britains cats are great for public relations and diplomacy and keeping keeping the mouse problem down in public buildings. We have wooed many world leaders with the Foreign Offices (cat) Palmerston, says the report, and he and the four other government cats, including Number 10s Larry, keep Downing Streets mouse problem down. Now, other countries are getting in on the cat action, with the French government announcing it has brought in two cats to sort out their rat problem.