Mirtazapine for Liver Disease
Mirtazapine, a tricyclic depressant for humans, has been shown to have appetite stimulant benefits for cats. Since cats who have a decreased appetite can develop life-threatening conditions such as hepatic lipidosis, this medication can have important uses in cats.
Study on FCGS
A recent study led by Santiago Peralta, Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine Assistant Professor, Section of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, found that feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS)is more prevalent in shared households and its risk correlates with the number of cohabiting cats. Gingivostomatitis is marked by severe, chronic inflammation of a cats gums and oral mucosa. Its most common in cats with certain viral diseases, like feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV).
Cant Wait for an Ask Elizabeth Reply?
Our Elizabeth loves answering reader questions in her column every month, but she wants to be sure you know that Cornells Camuti Consultation Service also can help you out. The service puts you in contact with a Cornell veterinary consultant who will discuss your cats condition and/or care with you.
Implement a Simple, Safe Feline Diet
SmartBrief tells us that Overweight, sedentary cats will lose weight if the size of their daily meals is gradually reduced, according to research published in the American Journal of Veterinary Research, and although there was no statistically significant change in activity, its possible some cats will become more active as the weight comes off. The report says, The researchers reduced the cats food consumption by 20 percent initially, then continued with regular reductions, and the cats in the study lost weight and experienced changes in their gastrointestinal bacteria.
Great Tree-Climber
According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC), Normer Adams, a retired social worker, is a treed-cat rescuer on a rampage. He rescues an average of one cat a week from trees. Over the last two years, thats 91 cats. He doesnt charge, and he has a YouTube channel (https://tinyurl.com/cattreerescue) where you can watch him rescue each cat. Some of the cats were in the tree for days. Once he reaches the cat, Adams places the cat in a bag to safely bring him back down the tree.
March Special Dates
Kristen Levines Pet Living 2019 calendar (kristenlevine.com) lists these significant days in March for cat lovers:
Museum-Loving Cats
Two cats have been trying for over two years to make their way into a museum in Japan. A guard at the Hiroshima Onomichi City Museum actually spends most of his day shooing the cats away from the automatic doors.
Restricted pet sales increasing
California pet stores can now only sell dogs, cats, and rabbits if they come from shelters or non-profit rescue groups. The law became effective January 1. Under the law, individuals are still allowed to buy from private breeders, but stores are prohibited from doing so.
Free Download AVMA Coloring Book:
The American Veterinary Medical Association has a downloadable PDF for your kids called Owning a Pet:
Litterbox Covering at 1 Month of Age
Why cats cover their feces in a litterbox is a subject of debate, but we know it begins at a young age. Kittens cover their eliminations by 1 month of age by raking loose dirt over the excrement, says Pamela J. Perry, DVM, Ph.D. The specific site and substrate tend to be learned from the queen. It is believed that the odor of the feces initiates the burying behavior. In fact, some cats will cover the feces of other cats in the household.
AVMA Releases Stats on Pet Ownership
Pet ownership is on the rise in the United States, with dogs leading the way and large increases in less traditional pets like poultry and lizards, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).
Veggies Make Good Treats
If your cat loves treats, but you see her weight increasing, consider vegetables as treats. It may take some experimentation to find out what shell eat, but many cats like veggies. Two ounces is about 20 calories. Cut them up to the size of kibble and put it in a bowl. Hint: Some cats really like zucchini.