The Mind of Your Cat: 10/03
Question: I have a beautiful black cat that I adopted 12 years ago (he was about eight weeks old). I am his primary caregiver....
The Mind of Your Cat: 09/03
Question: One of my cats is ruining the edges of my carpet. I have tried cat repellent sprays and they dont work. I have...
The Mind of Your Cat: 08/03
Question: My cat is 14-years-old and I wonder why he cries so much. He has always cried a lot, but as hes gotten older,...
The Mind of Your Cat: 07/03
Question: My six-year-old neutered male cat will no longer urinate in his litter box. The behavior began when we moved to our new house...
The Mind of Your Cat: 03/02
Question: I live in a rural area. My cats have access to the outdoors through cat flaps. Recently, my 14-year-old cat died. I am...
The Mind of Your Cat: 01/02
Question: I live with a three-year-old cat that recently gave birth to a litter of kittens. The kittens are darling, and just turned 12...
The Mind of Your Cat: 02/02
Question: I have a new kitten. My other cat becomes terribly frightened when she visits her veterinarian. What can I do to assure that...
The Mind of Your Cat: 04/02
Question: My two-year-old cat always gets carsick no matter how short the trip. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening?...
The Mind of Your Cat: 05/02
Question: I have a four-year-old neutered male cat. Since we adopted him as a young kitten, he has lived indoors. For the past two...
The Mind of Your Cat: 06/02
Question: I have two Ragdoll cats, Shadow and Sundance, which are both 7 years old. They are actually related and were adopted together at...
The Mind of Your Cat: 08/02
Question: I wonder if you could inform me as to how it is that a cat can tell whether he or she should jump...
The Mind of Your Cat: 07/02
Question: I have a 14-year-old cat. Her appetite is good, she is playful, and her coat is shiny. For the past year, she has...