
Catnip Crazy

Catnip, technically Nepeta cataria, is a member of the mint family with a reputation for attracting cats. It is a fast-growing, tall plant with heart-shaped leaves and blossoms that are white, lavender, or pink. Most cats love it! Cats in the wild, even big cats, often seek out patches of catnip and return repeatedly.

Keep Those Pawprints Perfect

A cat uses her paws to scratch to relieve stress, express contentment, mark territory, avoid danger, and fight (if necessary). Amazingly, cat paws are extremely sensitive. They can feel heat, cold, and vibration. They even help keep cats cool (a paw can sweat). And yet, despite the many things cats do with their paws, the health of these unique extremities is often ignored.

The Debate Continues

A University of Guelph online survey of 3,673 pet owners found that 35 percent of the responders whose pets ate conventional diets were interested in switching to a vegan diet.

Battling Family Allergies to Cats

While cat hair takes the blame for causing cat allergies, it is the proteins in cat saliva that stimulate most human allergic reactions.

Vitamins and Minerals for Kitten Diarrhea

The Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery published a study (Strong, SJ, et al 2019), shared on, that looked at treatment options for orphaned kittens with diarrhea.

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Happening Now…

His Home Became a Cat House - The reports that a man in Santa Barbara, Calif., turned his home into the House of Nekko (translation from Japanese: House of Cats).

Can Heart Disease Reverse Itself?

Our cat was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy at 2 years of age, which was a shock to us, given the fact that he seems perfectly healthy. Our veterinarian did not prescribe medication and told us to monitor him closely.

Ear Scratching and Headshaking

When it comes to ears, theres a Big Four of common problems, says William H. Miller Jr. VMD DACVD, Professor of Medicine, Section of Dermatology, Medical Director, Cornell University Hospital for Animals:

Deciphering Drool

When you think drool, you think dogs, but cats drool, too. The difference is, feline drool is rarely normal. If your cat is drooling, she may be either overproducing saliva or having trouble swallowing it, and it is important to find out the cause.

When Heart Failure Occurs

Any cat can experience heart failure, something owners may be unaware of until its an emergency. The symptoms can remain hidden because cats are stoic and can often appear normal, even when they are very ill.

Drowning in Dandruff

Visable dandruff is rarely normal. It may indicate a problem in our care or an underlying health problem.