When Kitty Needs a New Home
Cats may find themselves in need of a new home for a variety of reasons: death of an owner, a change in the familys situation, incompatibility with other pets in the household, or being caught as a stray. Just like us, most cats dont like change, and transitions can be difficult.
Prepare Now to Protect Your Cat in a Disaster
As we go to press, Hurricane Irma has strengthened to a Category 5 storm and is headed toward land, only a few days after we endured Hurricane Harvey, which destroyed its way into the record books. When it all settles, were pretty sure the losses involving pets will be quite sobering, possibly surpassing those of Hurricane Katrina, the disaster that showed us the inadequate preparations most of us make to safeguard our pets during a catastrophe.
Calories, Carbs, and Ingredients in Grain-Free Diets
On average, the grain-free diets were lower in carbohydrates than the diets that contained grain, but there was a wide range in carb content across all of the foods. This means that if your cat needs a diet with fewer carbs, choosing a grain-free diet does not guarantee that the carbohydrate content will be lower than the food you are currently feeding.
Take Charge of Your Cats Dental Health
Many cats show some signs of periodontal gum disease by three years of age. Reports indicate between 50 and 90 percent of all cats over four years of age will have some degree of dental disease.
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease
Feline lower urinary tract disease, or FLUTD, is a problem that cat owners everywhere dread. Litter box accidents, bloody urine, or a cat straining to urinate can all concern families. In some cases, this is an emergencyin others, a painful annoyance for you and your cat. In general, when a cat has urinary problems, its important to rule out any medical conditions before considering behavioral problems (to be covered in another issue). A common indication of
Lost Cats and How to Find Them
Lost cats leave behind heartbroken families. And, if theyre not found, they contribute significantly to the homeless, feral, shelter, and community cat populations. Unfortunately, its an all-too-common situation. At least a third of all cats get lost at some point in their lives, says Pam Stonebraker, associate executive director and humane education coordinator at the Tompkins County, N.Y., SPCA.
Panting in Cats
Cats do not pant on a regular basis like dogs do. Feline panting can be either normal or due to underlying medical problems.
Feline-Friendly Dogs
A study published in the January 2017 Journal of Applied Animal Behaviour Science may help you determine if a dog you want to adopt will get along with your cat.
Special Note of Remembrance for CatWatch Editor Betty Liddick
We are saddened to report that our friend and colleague Betty Liddick died June 21 following a brief illness. Betty began her long career in journalism as staff writer for numerous notable newspapers, including the St. Petersburg Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Detroit Free Press and the Orange County Register, before turning full-time to her first love-writing about dogs and cats. A former editor of Dog Fancy (now Dogster) magazine, she devoted the past…
Kidney Failure is a Progressive Disease
Kidney failure is a leading cause of death in domestic cats.
How to Handle a Finicky Eater
Some cats are just naturally picky and like to have variety in their diet, but changes in eating habits can also be a sign of stress or major illness.
Hairballs are Normal for Cats
Hairballs, also known as trichobezoars, are a fact of life for most cat fanciers. This is especially true if you have a long-haired cat, such as a Persian or domestic long-hair, but even domestic short hairs can suffer from hairballs.