
Hefty Fines for Adulterated Pet Food

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, two companies-Wilbur-Ellis Company, San Francisco, Calif., and Diversified Ingredients, Inc., Ballwin, Mo.- were found guilty in federal court of adulterating and misbranding pet food ingredients. Both companies pleaded guilty of the misdemeanors.

Dolasetron Fails for Vomiting in Felines

Dolasetron (brand name Anzemet) has been used in people to help with chemotherapy-induced nausea. It inhibits vomiting and nausea via pathways in both the gastrointestnal tract and the central nervous system. This dual action made it sound helpful to cats, thought researchers in California. Their study was reported in the August 2018 Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery.

Understanding Time

Ever wonder how your cat knows youre late coming home from work? A recent study found evidence that mice can judge time. By examining mouse brains medial entorhinal cortex, researchers discovered neurons that turn on like a clock when they wait.

New Feeding Guidelines Address Behavior

The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) recently released a consensus statement called Feline Feeding Programs: Addressing Behavioral Needs to Improve Feline Health and Wellbeing to address medical, social, and emotional problems that can result from the manner in which most cats are currently fed. It was published in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery and transformed into a handout for cat owners.

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Download the Full January 2019 Issue PDF

Of Course Theyre Family

According to a recent note in SmartBrief, a New York Times report found that Pets are increasingly thought of as family members and their owners are increasingly willing to spend more on veterinary care.....

Consider Radioiodine Therapy

We have a 17-year-old Tuxedo cat, Sox, who is still active, sharp-witted, and good natured. However, he has hyperthyroidism, and while he is being treated with methimazole and was doing fairly well, he has recently begun to lose weight again. In his prime years, he was a healthy 10-pound cat. Now he is down to six or maybe fewer pounds and looks boney, although he eats throughout the day and gets plenty of treats. Can you provide any advice?

Five Weight-Loss Tips for Cats

Helpful ways to help kitty trim her body and stay healthy

A Blind Cat Can Live a Happy Life

You may notice your cat becoming hesitant about moving around the house. Or, you rearranged the furniture and your cat is bumping into things. Whats happening? Your cat may be going or have become blind.

Cats vs. Rats, Rats Are Winning

The first study to document interactions between feral cats and a wild rat colony finds that, contrary to popular opinion, cats are not good predators of rats.

Helping Stray Cats With Kittens

Few things tug more at our heart strings than a mother cat trying to care for her kittens in the wild. Whether or not you should intervene, though, depends on the relationship between the person and the stray queen, says Dr. Leni Kaplan, Lecturer in the Community Practice Service at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. Do not handle a cat that you are not familiar with. As rabies vaccination status for stray cats is unknown, the person must first and foremost protect themselves from scratches or bites from these cats.