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Foster Cats Placed with Lonely Seniors

At the University of Georgia, 29 volunteers lined up to foster cats from one of two area shelters.  All the cats had deworming, spaying/neutering, vaccinations,...

Beat Urine Stains and Odors

Cat urine is the gift that keeps on giving. You clean it up, everything seems fine, and then a week later, the area reeks...

Adoptions Are Doing Well

There’s no question that 2020 and 2021 were chaotic years for pet trends. In some cases, dogs and cats were turned in to shelters...

The Great Indoors

There are many solid reasons to make your cat an indoor-only companion, and the Cornell Feline Health Center recommends it. Unfortunately, many people feel...

When a Stray Chooses You

Most cat lovers will tell you that cats often find you, whether you’re looking for a cat or not. Some cats just seem to...

Adopting a Senior Cat

We’re all easily enthralled with the cute antics of a kitten, but older cats are often loving and grateful for a home to live...

Finding a New Home

Adopting a cat comes with the plan of keeping that feline family member forever. But sometimes circumstances beyond anyone’s control intervene, and a cat...

Helping Kittens

The National Kitten Coalition, which educates shelter volunteers, annouced that its students saved 122,076 kittens in 2021, an average of 42 kittens per student...
A kitten needs her mom to teach her about

When Can Kitty Leave Mom?

We all know that face. The tiny, round kitten face with bright eyes and a ring of fluff beneath the ears. Young kittens are...

How Your Cat Knows Where You Are in the House

In a study from Japan, researchers looked at whether cats can track the location of their owners via sounds and a mental map of...

Pandemic Pounds

Nearly 75% of veterinarians believe the pandemic affected pets when it came to weight, according to Hill’s Pet Nutrition. You might think pet parents...

Feline Bacteria Inhibits MRSA

Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine used bacteria found on healthy cats to successfully treat a skin infection on mice....