When Time Is Critical
Late one afternoon a while back, a virtually comatose cat was rushed by its distraught owners into the emergency unit of the Cornell University Hospital for Animals (CUHA) in Ithaca, New York.
The Abscess: A Sign of Potentially Serious Infection
For several days, your good old cat has been acting oddly, lolling about the house, uncharacteristically lethargic, off his food and seemingly depressed.
Elimination Disorders
For most aesthetically sensitive people, watching a cat engaged in the process of relieving itself in its litter box certainly cannot be counted among lifes great pleasures.
Diagnosis: FIP
FIP: Almost always fatal. Owners can reduce the risk of this serious feline disease by practicing good litter-box hygiene. Here's why.
Is Your Cat Incontinent
Here's how to tell if your cat is suffering from incontinence or is displaying inappropriate urination.
The Feline Digestive System
Diarrhea, vomiting and loss of appetite are the major signs of trouble if your cat is suffering from digestive tract problems.
A Breeding Ground For Trouble?
All cats, especially females, are at risk for developing many severe reproductive-system disorders.
Senility and Your Geriatric Cat
All elderly cats are at elevated risk for age-related mental deterioration. Here are the signs to look for, and some help.
Why Is Your Cat Coughing?
A wide range of disorders some of them life-threatening can be responsible. Here's what you should know.
Put Your Cat to the Test
What exactly happens when you take your cat to the veterinarian's office for a routine physical examination?
The Dangers of String
It's a hazard that can put your cat in a serious bind. Here's why.
Megacolon and Diet
A very clean litter box can be useful in prevention. But once diagnosed, your cat will likely need a specific dietary regimen.