Home Health Page 15


Dental Disease in Senior Cats

Between 50% and 90% of cats over 4 years of age have dental disease. And, just like you, bad teeth make it difficult for...

Bladder Stones: Remove or Not?

Q. My 10-year-old female cat was recently diagnosed with several small calcium oxalate stones in her bladder, but she is otherwise acting normal. My...

Smart Ways to Promote Weight Loss

Excess weight is unhealthy and uncomfortable. It also makes your cat more susceptible to bladder/urinary tract disease, kidney disease, breathing difficulties, arthritis, heart failure,...

Sensitive Stomach Is Not a Blanket Diagnosis

So, your cat has a sensitive stomach. What exactly does that mean? Frequent vomiting? Disinterest in food? Diarrhea? All of the above? The most...

Cats Living a Quiet Life

Deafness in cats has long been associated with all-white cats, and there is a known genetic link between a white coat with blue eyes...

Surgery for Megacolon

Feline megacolon and advanced constipation can be life-threatening. Caught early on, constipation and megacolon may respond favorably to medical treatment and dietary management, but,...
Unfortunately, even indoor cats can be bitten by a mosquito, making heartworm prevention your only true defense against infection. The medication is available as a monthly chewable tablet, a monthly topical treatment, or a twice-a-year injection. These medications are only available with a veterinary prescription.

Feline Heartworm Prognosis

Q. I adopted a precious cat, Figaro, from a rescue in July. Two months later, I came home to find him lethargic and having...
Subtle symptoms can make pancreatitis difficult to diagnose.

Pancreatitis Is a Real Threat

Suddenly your cat doesn’t seem quite right. He’s lost his typically robust appetite, he seems lethargic, and worse, he’s vomiting. You also recall that,...
You may need to experiment, but with the right tool, your cat may enjoy grooming.

Monitoring Your Cat’s Skin

You’ve probably seen the slogan “Cat hair, don’t care!” on t-shirts and coffee mugs. And while it sounds cute, sometimes cat hair is, well,...

Pandemic Pounds

Nearly 75% of veterinarians believe the pandemic affected pets when it came to weight, according to Hill’s Pet Nutrition. You might think pet parents...
FIV Positive Cat

Adopting an FIV Positive Cat

Q. Recently, I trapped a feral cat who had appeared at my front door. He tested positive for FIV, so releasing him was no...
Because pemphigus is sometimes seen in littermates, a genetic cause is suspected but has not yet been proven.

Crusty, Itchy Skin Lesions

Autoimmune diseases are frustrating. In an autoimmune illness, the protective immune cells in your cat’s body turn hostile and attack the body. Diagnosing and...