Home Health Page 119


The Facts on Fiber

Certain conditions do require extra fiber - but a well-balanced diet is enough for most cats.

Short Takes: 05/03

A Positive Grade for TNR  As a concept, TNR (for trap-neuter-return) sounded like a workable solution to the feline overpopulation problem: Round up all...

What Your Cats Scat Can Tell You

Keeping tabs on your cats stool - and any noticeable changes - can be of diagnostic help.

Murmurs of the Heart

The prognosis depends on the underlying cause and at which stage the signs are recognized.

The Latest Help for Hyperthyroidism

Dr. Mew meets some cool cats in radioiodine therapy at Camp Thyroid.

When Food is Medicine

Prescription diets: Is there one that can help your cats health condition?