Home Health Page 116


Current Research

Investigating the Role of the Enzyme Glucokinase and Blood Sugar Control in Diabetic Cats

Conjunctivitis in Cats

This sign of disease needs to be diagnosed properly and treated

Human Drugs for Your Cat

A lengthy approval process results in fewer feline-specific medications.

Paw-Pad Problems

Allergies are the Most Common Cause of This Uncommon Predicament

Repairing Feline Jaw Fractures

The emphasis should be on normal jaw function and preservation of teeth.

Dont Ignore Your Cats Bad Breath

The unpleasant odor can be a problem within the mouth, or a sign of a more serious malady.

The Fever Response

How to Take Your Cats Temperature

Siege Against the Sneezes

Home Care for Cats with Viruses, such as Feline Herpesvirus or Feline Calicivirus

Play: Vital for Your Indoor Cats Health

Provide a regular recreation schedule to help keep Kitty stimulated and happy.

Short Takes: 04/03

Beautiful but deadly: flowers and bulbs to beware; vaccination update

Ask Dr. Richards: 03/03

Question: My 12-year-old calico cat developed mammary cancer last October. My veterinarian surgically removed several growths and felt he got all the cancer. He...

Ask Dr. Richards: 02/03

I receive many questions about feline leukemia virus (FeLV) testing, particularly as it pertains to kittens, so Ive decided to veer from the one...