Cushings Syndrome
Difficult to Diagnose and Treat in Older Cats
Your Senior Cat Depends on You to Detect Problems Early
In Health and Sickness
Following Dietary Guidelines Will Keep Your Kitty Happy and Healthy
Knowing How to Read Your Cat May Help Ease the Hurt
When a Disability Strikes
Most Cats Learn to Adjust Easily
The Mind of Your Cat: 07/02
Question: I have a 14-year-old cat. Her appetite is good, she is playful, and her coat is shiny. For the past year, she has...
Ask Dr. Richards: 07/02
Question: Buddy, my 15-year-old neutered male cat, has been treated for a skin condition (miliary dermatitis) for many years. He often gets little scabs...
Ask Dr. Richards: 07/02
Question: Buddy, my 15-year-old neutered male cat, has been treated for a skin condition (miliary dermatitis) for many years. He often gets little scabs...
The Importance of Spaying and Neutering
Good Behavior and Health Top the List of Benefits
The Linac
Dr. Mew Visits a High-Tech Cancer Buster
Screening Tests
Early Diagnosis May Save You and Your Cat the Trauma of a Serious Illness
Tumor Registry: Tracking Pets Cancers
A newly established Companion Animal Tumor Registry in two areas of New York state will test a question that has intrigued cancer researchers: Can...