A Hazard of Vaccinations
Vaccine-associated sarcomas are serious tumors that can be life-threatening. What to look for.
All About Abscesses
These infections are usually caused by a cat bite, and they require treatment.
Take Good Care of Your Aging Cat
When your cats golden years arrive, pay extra attention to his veterinary needs and daily care.
Short Takes: 08/03
Human Help for Dieting FelinesA feeding study underway at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine is testing possible new prescription diets for obese...
When Kittys Kidneys Go Bad
Experts strive to lower the life-threatening risk of feline renal failure.
Short Takes: 07/02
Fungal infections and upper respiratory disease; Amitriptyline for LUTD
Do You Need A Second Opinion?
There are many reasons to seek another veterinarians guidance. Your cats health may depend on it.
The Importance of the Blood Sample
Theres no better way for a veterinarian to evaluate your cats health, so heres what to expect.
Your Cats Good Health
How to Spot the Signs of Illness
New Therapy
Less Radiation, Fewer Treatments
If Your Cat Scoots Across the Floor
The Bob-sled Could Be a Sign of Anal Sac Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Management Is Key to Improved Quality of Life