Weather Extremes and Your Cats Health
Whether its icy cold or unsually hot, you need to protect your cats health. Heres how.
Upper Respiratory Disease: A Feline Peril
A viral attack on the airways can lead to potentially fatal secondary infections.
What Bloodwork Can Reveal About Your Cat
A timely blood count and chemistry panel may save your animals life. Heres why.
When a Cats Eating Behavior Gets Weird
Does your cat nervously scratch the floor around its food bowl before or after dinner? Does it like to lick the legs of your kitchen table? Does she occasionally rip up a ball of yarn...or cart a dead mouse into your living room... or suddenly turn up her nose at the food youve been putting in front of her for years? …
Caring for the Cat With Chronic Illness
Would you be able to provide at-home care for your cat? Heres what to consider.
Anal Gland Health
These tiny and useless structures can be a big pain for your cat.
Protect Against Calicivirus
Its more important than ever to vaccinate against this virus.
Waste Not, Want Not
Dont throw out forgotten toys or less-than-favorite flavors of food - consider donating them instead.
Vaccinating Your Cat: What Are the Options?
With the availability of more vaccines, the issue has grown increasingly complex.
What to Do About Your Cats Dry Skin
The important thing to remember is that its a problem your veterinarian should treat.
How to Bathe Your Cat
Have a plan in case you ever need to clean up Kitty.
When Things Get Too Hot to Handle
Thermal, chemical and electrical burns can be disabling to your cat - and sometimes fatal.