How to Take Your Cats Temperature Safely
There are ways to make it easier for both you and your pet. Here are some practical tips.
MRI: The New Frontier
Use of this modern diagnostic tool is burgeoning these days in veterinary medicine. Heres how it can help your cat.
The Feline Pancreas
Its a tiny organ with the potential for serious health problems. Pancreatitis tops the list of life-threatening conditions.
Your Cat and CSD
Bartonellosis - sometimes called cat-scratch disease - is a threat mostly to children under the age of 17. Heres why.
The Great Cat Watch for Wellness Sake!
Learn to recognize the subtle signs of sickness.
Arthritis: A Challenge
This painful condition is incurable, but it can be relieved medically or surgically. Heres help for your ailing cat.
Diet for Diabetes
A change from dry food to canned can help some cats that are insulin-dependent.
Silent, But Deadly: Feline Infectious Peritonitis
This fatal disease is difficult to diagnose and impossible to treat. We explain why.
Feline Brain Tumors
The most common type - meningioma - can usually be dealt with surgically. Here are the signs to look for.
Dealing With Diabetes
Most affected cats will require dietary change and daily insulin injections, but overall its a highly treatable condition. Heres help.
Kidney Failure and Diet
Providing enough calories to prevent further weight loss is one of the objectives when feeding a cat with kidney disease.
Treat Ear Conditions
Otis externa and other conditions will usually respond well to prompt, professional treatment.