Home Health Neuter-spay


Hope for Sterilization Alternatives

Feline overpopulation is a big concern for all cat lovers and a huge headache for shelters and rescue facilities. Kitten explosions lead to cat...

Neutering a Cryptorchid Cat

The term “cryptorchid” refers to a condition in which the testicles don’t descend into the scrotum appropriately. Normally, testicles descend into the scrotum between...

Handle Feline Heat Cycles

Your lovable, sweet kitten is 6 months old and has turned into a menace overnight. Nonstop meowing, pacing, rolling, and biting when you go...

Mandated Spay/Neuter Act Started in Louisiana

The Shreveport, La., City Council voted to require all pet dogs and cats in the city to be spayed or neutered, according to SmartBrief....

Must I Neuter or Spay My Cat?

Most pet cats are spayed or neutered. Dealing with pungent male urine sprayed to mark territory or the histrionics of a female cat in...

Neutered Males Are Spraying

I need information on spraying. I have four neutered males that are housed exclusively indoors, and I am having problems. Can you provide any advice about how best to address this issue?

A New Technique to Ease Pain After Spay Surgery; Hope for Feline Heart Disease

Not too long ago, conventional wisdom held that animals felt little pain and providing relief was unnecessary after spaying and neutering. Veterinary medicine today emphasizes the recognition and management of pain in animals, with professional organizations issuing guidelines, offering courses for members and expanding efforts to educate owners. Researchers, too, are pursuing pain relief, in one case discovering that a novel method of drug delivery for spayed cats provides relief.

Ask About Advantages And Drawbacks

If you want to check out a potential clinical trial for your cat, these are questions to ask his veterinarian and the studys research coordinator.

Alternatives for Surgical Sterilization

When you adopt a kitten or a cat, the traditional plan calls for spaying or neutering as soon as possible. This common procedure is usually effective in rendering your cat sterile but does carry health risks and requires time to prep, operate and provide post-surgical care.

In The News: June 2015

Researchers have struggled for years to develop a nonsurgical way to sterilize dogs and cats. Now the Gary Michelson Found Animals Foundation has awarded a Harvard professor of bioengineering a $700,000 grant to develop a vaccine to sterilize animals by disrupting gonadotropin, a hormone that controls reproduction.

The Importance of Spaying

When your lovely new purebred kitten reaches maturity, you may want to breed her, and you may already have a carefully worked-out strategy for doing so. Otherwise, there is no good reason to avoid having your new pet spayed while shes still in the early months of her life - and there are a number of compelling reasons for doing so. First and foremost among these reasons, says Andrea Looney, DVM, a lecturer in anesthesiology at the Cornell University Hospital for Animals, is that spaying - also called ovariohysterectomy - will help curb rampant feline overpopulation.

Short Takes: April 2011

Researchers studied the effect of distance and neighborhood-level demographics on the number of pet adoptions from an animal shelter ("Use of geospatial neighborhood control locations for epidemiological analysis of community-level pet adoption patterns," American Journal of Veterinary Research, 2010). The methods used to perform the study included client segmentation, geospatial tools, and epidemiological techniques that evaluated locations of 1,563 adoptions from an animal shelter in eastern Massachusetts.