Short Takes: 10/07
If you need refills of prescription medications for your cat - and youre tempted to buy the drugs at discount prices from a website - you might wonder whether that bothers your veterinarian. Indeed it does, according to an article in the trade journal Veterinary Economics (Vol. 48, Issue 8). And vets have some persuasive reasons why you should continue to buy cat drugs from them. But first, some reasons to think twice about your cat-care budget: The typical mark-up (beyond the cost to veterinarians) for dispensed medications is 150 percent. Heartworm, flea and tick-control products tend to be marked up 100 percent. And therapeutic food, which some cats eat throughout their lives, is sold by veterinarians at about 45 percent above cost.
Compounding May Help Your Medication Woes
Some cats are model patients. They sit calmly for nail trims and they let you look inside their mouths and even brush their teeth, purring all the while. Other cats - perhaps the majority - are not so accommodating. You just think about trimming their nails and they disappear. Getting a pill into them requires protective gear and strong determination. Drew Weigner, DVM, a board-certified member of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners and founder of The Cat Doctor in Atlanta, Georgia, knows all about pill resistance.
Ask Elizabeth: 09/07
Dear Elizabeth: My vet tells me that my indoor-only cat, Izzy, needs to be vaccinated for rabies. We live in an apartment in New York City and Izzy is never outside, so why does she need a rabies vaccine?
Your Cat’s Sense of Hearing
When you call your cat, it often seems like he doesnt hear you at all, but a cats sense of hearing is quite astute. A cat can hear sounds with frequencies from 45 to 60,000 vibrations per second (one vibration per second is called a hertz; 1,000 vibrations per second is called a kilohertz) as opposed to a human who can hear from 20 to 20,000 hertz. Even the canine who may be sleeping at your feet doesnt hear the upper ranges as well as your cat.
How to Medicate Your Cat
Thanks to medical science in general and veterinary health research in particular, a vast array of medicines are available today to treat virtually any acute or chronic feline physical disorder. Many of these medications can be administered only by veterinarians or qualified technicians in animal clinics or hospitals. Others, however, can be administered at home by a cats owner.
First Aid for Your Cat
All cats, no matter how pampered and vigilantly cared for they may be, are prone to serious injury or the sudden onset of life-threatening clinical signs of deeply rooted and perhaps previously unrecognized illness.
Cat Research Woes
Why has feline health research fallen behind? Heres the scoop.
Compounding Drugs
Administering your cats medication can be difficult. Adding a pleasant flavor is one of the ways that compounding can help.
MRI: The New Frontier
Use of this modern diagnostic tool is burgeoning these days in veterinary medicine. Heres how it can help your cat.
Wipe Out Intestinal Parasites
These organisms can make life miserable for cats - and sometimes their owners, too.
Neurological Disorders: Spotting the Telltale Signs
A variety of nervous system conditions can threaten your cats health and well-being.
Anesthesia: Whats Involved? What Are the Risks?
Modern methods make the procedure safe and beneficial for your cat.