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Yes, Cats Can Eat Carbs

We all want to keep our cats happy and healthy. Unfortunately, this desire makes it easy for marketing claims and personal beliefs to spiral...

Managing Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Cats

Q: I am writing to you about my 6-year-old cat Ellie, who was presumptively diagnosed with IBD about 6 months ago after an ultrasound...

Risk Factors for Cats with Cognitive Disorders

Colorado State University researchers looked at records from past clients to determine risk factors and common complaints for feline cognitive disorder syndrome. Owners cited...

Wet Food, Dry? Both?

We have so many options when it comes to feeding a cat, and this is surely a good thing. It would seem like the...

Are You Seeing Urine Spots?

Urinary incontinence is an involuntary leakage of urine. Most often, an incontinent cat is not aware that this leakage is happening. If you think...

Study Targets Raw-Diet Safety Issues

The very words “raw diet” can evoke a strong response (pro or con) when mentioned among cat lovers. Issues of concern include the potential...
UK Cat food recall

U.K. Food Recall

Feline pancytopenia is a potentially fatal illness characterized by a decrease in red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Since April 2021, veterinarians...

5 Things: Proper Dietary Changes

Mix things up right away and consider variety. When you’re adopting a kitten or new cat, “my best advice is to feed kittens...
A cat that lays around all day may not be a “contented cat.” It may be too hard to move easily due to excess weight.

End the Wave of Fat Cats

Maintaining a healthy body weight is a critical aspect of overall health, yet obesity continues to grow among cats, dogs, and even people. Obesity...

Cats Choose Lamb

A study from New Zealand looked at raw beef and lamb ingredients for cat palatability. Eight lucky test cats got to taste liver, kidney,...

Freeze-Dried Cat Food

Q. Thank you for your thorough publication. I have a question about feline nutrition and dehydrated cat foods. I recently introduced my 12-year-old Siamese...

Once-Daily Feeding of Indoor

Animal nutrition specialists from the Univeristy of Guelph found that feeding cats one large meal a day may help control hunger better than feeding...