Carriers for Cats
Does putting your cat into a carrier fill you with anxiety and guilt? Put aside the feelings that you are caging your cat against...
The Curious Effects of Catnip
This herb delights some felines - but not all. Heres how to best utilize the enticing green stuff.
What Happens In An Animal Shelter
To relinquish an animal isnt an easy process, so heres what you can expect to encounter.
Friends for Life
Sue Lee, 45, from Wolverhamton, England, is pretty much homebound due to a variety of disabling conditions: severe osteoarthritis, insulin-dependent diabetes and peripheral neuropathy...
How to Keep Your Home Cat-Safe
Check out your house from the feline perspective to find hidden danger zones. Heres how.
Declawing: Then and Now
The evolution of cats as our beloved companions includes some interesting debate.
By a Whisker
These extremely sensitive hairs help your cat navigate and successfully hunt prey.
Grief: How Do Veterinarians Cope?
Were not the only ones suffering from the illness and loss of our companion animals.
Choose a Suitable Cat for a Senior
Sharing feline companionship can make a big difference in the qualify of life of the elderly.
Some Good Homes Needed
Raising a litter of kittens is a big responsibility. Heres help in placing them in suitable hands.
How to Choose Cat-Safe Furnishings
You dont have to live with shredded sofas and old carpeting. Here are some feline-friendly ideas.
Practical Tips to Find a Lost Cat
Hint: Shes probably closer than you think. Get inside the cats mind to find her safe and sound.