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Our Kitten Has Conjunctivitis

Q: Our 5-month-old domestic shorthair calico has been struggling with conjunctivitis for the past few months. She has been on two courses of antibiotics, and...

Does Clumping Kitty Litter Pose a Risk to Cats?

Q: My question is about the current clay hard clumping litter that is used today. I am concerned about my cats cleaning their paws...

Discharge from Cat’s Eyes

Q: My cat's eyes are excreting a mucus like-fluid. My veterinarian said it could be an infection or allergies and gave me a very...

Kitten Has Bloody Feces

Q: My kitten cries and often has a bloody anus after eliminating. I got him at 5 weeks old and he is now 12...

Cats Destroying Furniture

Q: Can you recommend the best solution to keep my cat from scratching certain furniture? He is destroying everything! My $2,000 Italian leather recliner...

What Causes a Mucous Plug?

Q: My 15-year-old female cat probably has feline idiopathic cystitis, which may be due to anxiety. Last summer, the vet saw what he thought...

Cat Frantically Licks Belly

Q: My 10-year-old male cat has licked all the hair off his legs and his belly, which appear to be a bit reddish/pinkish in...

Managing an FIV-Positive Cat

Q: My 8-year-old indoor/outdoor cat was recently diagnosed with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and is otherwise healthy. I want to do everything that I...

Inflamed Nasal Passages

Q: My 5-year-old male cat has been suffering from a stuffy nose that has recently gotten much worse. I’ve seen three different veterinarians, and we’ve...

Why Is My Cat Howling?

Q: My healthy adult indoor-only cat has started howling seemingly all day and all night. I haven’t changed anything in her routine. I don’t...

Cleft Palates in Kittens

In a normal kitten, there is a solid tissue barrier between the nose and the mouth. During development, these tissues grow from the sides...

Should I Worry About Proper Dietary Protein?

Q: My male 10 ½ year cat is an active, healthy indoor/outdoor guy who spends the majority of his time outside. What percentage of...