5 Signs Your Cat May Be Sick

Cats are notoriously good at hiding an illness

Sometimes you know something is wrong with your cat. For example, if your male cat is spending tons of time in the litterbox, straining to urinate. Or, if your mischievous young kitty is suddenly vomiting repeatedly, gagging and pawing at her face, it’s clear something is wrong.
Other times, it’s not so easy. Cats are experts at hiding signs of disease, making it seem like all is well, when it’s not. Eventually, they may hit a threshold where the illness is so bad they cannot continue to function, and they deteriorate rapidly. So, even though your cat may have felt ill for a while, the change may seem sudden to you.
All cat owners should be mindful of this particular feline talent and monitor all cats carefully on a daily basis. Know what their norms are as far as attitude, appetite, litterbox behavior, interactions, water consumption, etc. If something seems off, watch even closer to confirm. When in doubt, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian.
The top five subtle signs that something may be off with your cat’s health are:

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