Avian Flu In Cats

H5N1 has been detected in several cities in Poland

In Poland, 70 cats are being considered potentially infected with H5N1 avian flu. This is a developing story.

As its name implies, the H5N1 avian flu is a respiratory virus that circulates in wild birds. Some strains can be transmitted to mammals (including humans). While the source of infecrtion is still undetermined, preliminary data suggests that it may be infected chicken that is being fed to these cats.

Signs of infection in both cats and people can include lethargy/fatigue, respiratory difficulty/pneumonia, and in some cases, neurologic signs.

Public health officials are recommending that owners keep their cats indoors, prevent interactions between their cats and wild animals, and keep cats away from footwear worn outdoors, as the virus can potentially be carried on the soles of shoes.

While the current outbreak appears to be isolated to Poland, there is a risk that it could spread, so we concur with these recommendations to cat owners throughout the world. Please work closely with your veterinarian if your cats show any signs listed above.