Updated Fluid Therapy Guidelines From AAHA

The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) is well known for its excellent guidelines on various aspects of veterinary care for small animals. The latest...

How to Collect a Urine Sample

If your cat has been showing signs of a urinary issue, such as urinating where she shouldn’t, bloody urine, or bad-smelling urine, your veterinarian...

Mammary Gland Infections

Mastitis is an inflammation and/or infection of the mammary glands that usually occurs due to an injury. “I have rarely seen a lactating queen develop...

Glucocorticoids Are Invaluable Medications

Glucocorticoids, or “steroids,” are commonly used to treat disease in cats, and they can improve—and even save—your cat’s life. While they are an important...

How to Trim Your Cat’s Claws

Whether you have an older cat whose claws are overgrown or are trying to save your furniture, claw trims are something you will likely...